
Loyalty Data

Guest Insights

Grow loyalty, increase visits and overall value


Our client, a casual dining restaurant struggled for many years to see acceptable loyalty program penetration. They knew their loyalty customers were more valuable than their non-loyalty members, but they could not quantify the value in order to engage in effective and efficient acquisition campaigns.

They really wanted to understand the incremental value of its loyalty customers and utilize this insight to create an optimal budget and execute an aggressive conversion campaign.


Not just identifying unknown customers but truly understanding their unique purchase and behaviors is key to driving incremental value for your known loyalty members.

Our Bridg customer data platform identified 1M+ non-loyal customers, provided insight into their item level purchase behavior, and connected a landscape of demographic and lifestyle attributes to these individuals.

Our client was now able to quantify the annual value of loyalty members, and build an optimal budget for executing an 8-week conversion campaign that resulted in the tripling of the loyalty customer base and significant increases in visits and overall value.

If your business is looking for ways to identify anonymous customers and uncover deeper insights around spending behavior, reach out to us so we can help you!

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